Unmanned Railway Crossing by EV3

Unmanned Railway Crossing By EV3

Unmanned Railway Crossing means that barriers will be closed automatically when the train would be there to come and the traffic will stop.

Why It Is Important ?

It is important because in India there are some workers to ensure to close and open the barrier but no one is interested to do these low post jobs so we have created a model to demonstrate this can be done automatically also.


  • Accidents would be reduced to a great extend.
  • These kind of low post jobs would be eliminated.
Components used in this model

  • EV3 Brick
  • 2 Ultrasonic sensors
  • Medium Motor 
  • Four Beams (15 number or 13 number)
  • Four'H'connectors 
  • One Exel (15 number or 13 number) 
  • Train set
Procedure to create the model:

  • Connect two beams by two 'H' connectors and make two pairs.
  • Connect the exel with medium motor and then insert the two pairs of beams into the exel at the gap of 4cm.
  • Now connect the medium motor and ultrasonic sensors to the brick. Now your EV3 setup is ready.
  • Now put the setup up on your project according to your train project.


According to our program when the train will pass through the 1st ultrasonic sensor then with help the medium motor barriers will be closed and when train will pass through the 2nd ultrasonic sensor then barriers will be opened.


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