10 Basic asanas for beginners

10 Basic asanas for beginners


  • Stand straight on your mat.
  • Stand on your heels and stretch your hands upwards.


  • Join your hands and take them upwards as shown in the picture.
  •  Bend your left leg's knee and put the sole on your right leg's thai.

3.अधो मुख स्वानासन 

  •  Make an inverted 'V'.
  •  Keep your legs and hands straight.
  •  Look downwards.


  •  Bend your right leg forward.
  •  Take your left leg backwards.
  •  Join your hands and stretch them upwards.
  •  Look up.  


  • First make a certain distance between your legs.
  • Then touch your right leg with your left hand and look upwards towards your right hand which is also stretched upwards.
  • Then touch your left leg with your right hand and look upwards towards your left hand which is also stretched upwards. 
  • continue this process for 15-20 times.


  •  Join your hands and take them upwards by making them touch your ears.
  •  Bend your knees and make your body a little bend toeards front. 


  • Lie down on your stomach with keeping your legs together.
  • Put your palms besides your shoulder.
  • While inhaling raise your head and see upwards.

8.बड्डा कोनसाना

  • Sit straight.
  • Join your both legs sole and hold them with your hands.
  • Now, make your legs do up and down.


  •  First sit in Bajrasana.
  •  Then bend forward with both hands straight and then relax.


  •  Lie down on your mat.
  •  Close your eyes.
  •  Relax your whole body after all the 9 asanas. 


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