Avengers Endgame

Avengers Endgame

In the beginning Hawkeye was training archery to her daughter Laila, her wife was cooking food for everyone and calls Hawkeye for asking about spiciness in food and when he turns after giving the answer he saw that her daughter disappears. He calls her daughter but couldn't find her and when he tries to ask his wife Laura and his two sons but they also disappears. 

In the spaceship where Iron man and Nebula were stuck. Tony sends a message to her girlfriend Pepper Pots that 22 days have been passed after the fight and he is stuck in the space food and oxygen would be over after a day and goes to sleep. Then when he awakes he saw something lightning and the lightning was from Captain Marvel. Captain Marvel lands the spaceship on Earth and saves Iron man and Nebula.

In Avengers tower they discussed everything that was happened and founds the same type of readings on a new planet that was found on Earth when Thanos killed the half population of Earth and then all the superheroes which were presently alive goes on that planet.

On the new planet Thanos was collecting fruits, he goes to a hut and preparing his food and suddenly Captain marvel shoots him and everyone surrounded him and then Thor cuts his hand but saw that there was no stone on the Infinity Gantlet, he asks Thanos about the Infinity stones. He told them that he had destroyed them 2 days before due to which those readings were there on that planet Everyone except Nebula thought that he was telling lie but Nebula tells them that Thanos could be cruel but cannot be a liar and then Thor cuts his neck and Thanos was dead.
[Five years later]

Some people are talking about themselves with Captain America and suddenly a scene comes in which a van is shown with some circuits, a rat came and travels through  that machine and it starts working and Ant Man came out of it. He calls Hope but couldn't find her, then he goes to the place where the name of the people were written which were vanished. After that he goes to meet Black Widow where he also meets Captain America. Ant Man tells them about Quantum Physics and its rules and also tells the way how to  get their friends and relatives back.

Ant Man,Captain America and Black Widow then go to meet Tony Stark, then they tell him about Ant Man's plan but he refuses and says that he is settled in his life and cannot go with them. Then they go to Dr.Hulk and tells them about the plan so Dr.Hulk tries to execute their plan but some things were going on wrong.

At night Tony Stark then tries to find out an idea which is successful and then he goes to Dr.Hulk and tells them everything how to execute this plan successfully and then they all go back in time collect all the Infinity Stones but Black Widow dies so that they can get Soul Stone. Thor had again got its hammer then the fight occurs between the great army of Thanos and each and every superhero. 

At the end Iron Man dies but he wins, Captain America became aged after returning back all the Infinity stones and gave his shield to Falcon.   


  1. Really very intense movie, best one of Marvels. Did able to project the real of pain of losing loved ones and struggle to get them back.
