Social Media, Social Networking and,India

 Social Media Slavery – Young India
Today, we see most of us using social media and glued to our mobile phones.  Popular social medical channels are Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and Instagram.   These are used by everyone now-a-days, and out of these Facebook and Whatsapp are most popular.  Now apart from these other private communication apps are also in use. 
While the expectation was usage of these were by adults and for meaningful purpose, but somehow all these mediums have lost their actual purpose.  Another most alarming challenge is that these are very much accessible to      children as well.  
There are many negative effects of social media on our youth and children.  Kids at a greater risk of suffering from hate speech.  They would learn to indulge in aggressive or offensive behavior. They unknowingly put personal information on these sites and they become easily victim of identify theft.
As per many media reports, Whatsapp has become one of the major source of spreading child pornography.  There has been whatsapp group which spread this.  Also more worrisome is that children have easy access to Whatsapp and they are getting exposed to pornography in early of their age.  Two Israeli NGOs discovered Whatsapp group spreading pornography and brought this to notice of Facebook, who owns Whatsapp, but no action has been taken.
Similarly, legal age to own a Facebook account is 13 years but one can find children even below 13 years owning Facebook account, and again it gives easy access to them to pornography.  While Government has banned various porn sites in India but these are easily accessible through VPN or proxy servers. 
Increased usage of social media among children in impacting their mental health.  It leads to mental health problems including anxiety, depression, and suicidality. Children face cyber bullying as well on social media Youngsters spend more time on social media and gaming than real play and get together. 
While expectation would be from parents to help their children to come out of this slavery of social media, but we see parents themselves being busy on social media. There is real need to divert our children from over usage of social media to physical activities. We really want a Healthy Young India and not slaves of social media.


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